Dive 1st First Aid Divemaster Scuba Diving Kit
Divemaster Kit
If you are a Divemaster - be prepared for everything
Treat wounds, stings, scrapes, cuts and punctures
Contains products to clean, disinfect and control pain
Includes trauma shears and tweezer forceps
Organized padded soft case with shoulder strap
The “Dive Master Kit” is the first product in our professional diver line.
This kit includes everything needed to control bleeding, clean, disinfect and cover a variety of wounds, from minor scrapes and cuts to major traumatic injuries. Also included are over the counter medications to care for common ailments such as motion sickness, pain and electrolyte imbalances, as well as supplies to treat marine related bites or stings. Finishing off this kit are all of the instruments you will need including trauma sheers, tweezer forceps and a high-quality tourniquet.
You have taken your training to the professional level; why not ensure you have the tools to match. Available in a padded soft case with shoulder strap, or a waterproof seahorse hard case.