Stahlsac Curacao Clipper Wheeled Scuba Roller Travel Gear Bag
Stahlsac Curacao Clipper Wheeled Bag
The Curacao Clipper is a fantastic, full sized dive bag that is loaded with features. The bottom compartment is fully capable of accommodating a complete dive set-up, while the top compartment will hold personal clothing, additional gear, and accessories. We have internal pockets for further gear organization. The entire bag is easily transported on our unique and dynamic frame, which is light yet very durable. All frame components are fully serviceable so in the off chance that damage does occur, it is quickly repairable. Compression Straps secure goods in transit while the comfort handle on both top and bottom of the bag allow for effortless removal from auto trunks and other storage places.
DIMENSIONS:28" x 14" x 17"
WEIGHT:8.8 Lbs.
CAPACITY:64 Cubic Inches
COLORS:Black/Grey, Black/Blue, Black/Yellow